Free Laundry Day Attracts Hundreds
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Julia Russell
Devin Elmore
FOX 21 News, KQDS-DT
- Twin Ports
- Community
DULUTH, Minn. - More than 500 loads of laundry were done for free Thursday.
Thanks to New Life Covenant Church and the Salvation Army, every washer and dryer at the Washbucket Laundromat in Duluth was running since 8:00 a.m.
Organizers say laundry is the last thing low-income and homeless families want to spend money on, and this is their way to give back during the holiday season."So many of us are blessed in so many ways,” said volunteer, Chuck Vanderscheuren. "If you just touch another person it'd be great, and try to help someone else would be a wonderful gift to that person and a gift to yourself as well."
It cost an estimated $1,500 to do more than 500 loads.
This is the second time organizers have done the event.
They hope to put together another event in the spring complete with food and activities for kids.