Despite Harsh Winter, Expect Mosquitoes
DULUTH - Mosquitos can survive cold weather just fine and are even common in the artic, but are they going to be in the Northland soon?
Mosquitos need warm weather and standing water to develop. So, because it's stayed colder longer than usual this season, the buggers haven't emerged yet.
If it keeps warm-up and snow becomes standing water, there's a good chance we'll have a decent crop of mosquitos sucking blood soon, according to experts.
"This is Minnesota we're gonna have mosquitos, there's no escaping that. It's just a matter of how much we'll have and that'll depend upon the weather we get this summer," said Dr. Tim Craig, the head of the biology department at UMD.
As far as the summer is concerned, it'll depend on the amount of rainfall we get and how warm the weather is.