Proctor Man Tries To Complete 'Shackamanjaro' Challenge
SUPERIOR - People like to test their mettle in creative ways.Some hike tall mountains, others run long distances and some eat.
Tyler Bloom attempted to complete the Shackamonjaro challenge at The Shack.
He had to eat a four pound burger topped with one pound of bacon.
The burger was sandwiched between two pizzas plus a half pound of fries and chips.
"We are experiencing the winter that never ends, and with the winter that never ends I just have watched Adam with the Discovery Channel and he tries to complete these challenges and he never finishes them. I predict that I'm done in around 35 minutes," said Bloom.
Bloom didn't finish the sides, but he did finish the burger.
He has completed other food challenges in the past and said he also competes in in-line marathons.