MNsure Leaders Say Key Stats Yet to Come
ST. PAUL - People waiting for a scorecard on a key insurance enrollment measure under Minnesota's health care marketplace will have to wait for results.
MNsure interim director Scott Leitz said Friday it will take officials time to say how many previously uninsured people have obtained coverage for the first time.
Leitz says some statistics are being kept or gleaned from enrollment forms, but it's not known how many of the 400,000 previously uninsured Minnesotans have enrolled.
MNsure is entering a busy weekend as a Monday insurance sign-up deadline nears.
So far more than 152,000 people have purchased either private insurance plans or qualified for a government-subsidized public plan.
Leitz says many on public programs previously lacked insurance.
Gov. Mark Dayton says MNsure success can't be fully measured in one year.