Repealing Taxes, Minimum Wage Hike on Agenda for Start of MN Session
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Minnesota lawmakers aren't wasting any time before diving into key topics in the new session.
The Legislature is scheduled to convene at noon Tuesday for a session that must wrap up by mid-May.
The House Tax Committee plans to start its discussion about taxes it might cut or repeal altogether given a state budget surplus.
Two dozen tax-cut bills are on the docket.
Many of them relate to business-to-business sales taxes, such as assessments on warehousing services that are due to begin in April unless lawmakers reverse course sooner.
Meanwhile, supporters of an increase of the state's minimum wage are planning to host a big rally in the Rotunda.
Competing bills to boost the $6.15 per hour minimum passed last year but the House and Senate couldn't reach a compromise.