School Concerns During Winter Blast
Monday, January 5, 2015
Avery Neuville
Harry Baker
FOX 21 News, KQDS-DT
- East-Central MN
- Minnesota
- St. Louis County
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- School
- Safety
- Winter
- Flu
- cancellations
DULUTH, Minn. - The flu season is in full force and school districts in the area are doing their part to keep the school a healthy place to learn.Keep your child home if they have flu-like symptoms such as a fever, cough or sore throat.Schools are encouraging children to cough or sneeze into their sleeve and to wash their hands frequently."A lot of kids just run their hands under the water and they don't really scrub them. They should use soap and water and say the ABC's during. I just tell them to scrub their fingers and underneath their nails," said Bayview Elementary nurse, Alicia Kliegle.Other recommendations include getting plenty of sleep and eating a lot of fruits and vegatables to better your immune system. A few things come into play when schools decide to cancel or delay. Getting kids to and from school safely is the superintendent's main concern. Superintendents talk with transportation personnel to make sure school buses can run in the cold and that it's safe for kids to walk to and from school. In the end, parents are encouraged to make the best decision for their child."Mom and dads should be aware to dress kids for winter weather and make sure they are safe because we want to get them to school safe," said Proctor Superintendent, John Engelking.When the windchll hits 50 below, school will be cancelled.The Proctor School District cancelled school nine times last year because of the weather.