Special Series: The Family Business
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Diane Alexander
Graham Hakala
FOX 21 News, KQDS-DT
- Twin Ports
- Old World Meats
- Business
- Community
DULUTH - We're bringing you special report on family businesses that were born in the Northland and are still thriving today.
First we'll make a stop at Old World Meats in Duluth.
The owner, Paul Wrazidlo planted his roots here back in the 90's.
His family's history in the biz started 90 years ago.
Now he's sharing his secrets in the meat industry with his daughter."It takes months to earn a customer and seconds to lose one, said Wrazidlo. “So, teaching the kid the simple little things about business, it's pretty fun."
Tune in for part one of a three part series, The Family Business, November 17th on FOX 21 News at 9.