Candy Stores Offers Treats for More Than 100 Years on Iron Range
VIRGINIA - If you've got a sweet tooth Virginia's Canelake's is the place for you.
Canelake's began way back in 1905, known then as the Virginia candy kitchen, the tradition continues today after one hundred nine years in business.
They use the same recipes from the founder, Gust Canelake...
"Gust Canelake's started it with the recipes that he had and we're still using the same ones. We make hot air the same. We make turtles the same. Chocolates are still hand dipped, offering twenty to thirty different types of candy," said chocolatier Jim China.
The most popular being, turtles, butter almond toffee and of course the one of a kind "hot air".
"We have butter almond toffee we have toffee and we have chocolate cherries and we have hot air which we have the name for we make it really good. It's really good," said China."
Jim says people tend to forget about the old fashion candies.
Favorites tend to stick with his customers but there are forgotten candies that are pretty tasty.
"But there are other things that they made that are really good. There are old time candies like chop suey that nobody knows what it is. You kind of have to be an old time candy eater," said China.
If you know Jim, he says he's always available to make a sale and not afraid to open up his doors, even at two a.m.
His love for chocolate is one of a kind and will never end.
"Oh this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I mean it really is, you know," said China.
You can find Canelake's Candy on Chestnut Street in Virginia.
They're open Monday through Saturday.
You can also buy treats on their website