MN Law Enforcement Prepare For DWI Crackdown
DULUTH - Nearly 26,000 motorists were cited for a DWI in 2013. And during that same year, 117 alcohol-fatalities were reported in Minnesota. Daily saturations will be held during move-in week for colleges from Aug. 25 through the 29th.
driving cards will be distributed during that time as well. The cards give seat
belt facts and an informational side about how an impaired driving crash
affected the Alex Bailiff family.
“Halloween 2009 at age 18, my life and family’s life was forever changed all because of one person’s choice to drink and drive,” Bailiff said.
Seat belt laws are tied hand in hand with DWIs in an effort to take drunken drivers off the roads.
75 percent of
people in impaired accidents were killed due to not wearing their seat belt.
The DWI enforcement will run through September 1.