Repair Work Starts Wed. Near Chester Bowl for Flood Damage
DULUTH - The City of Duluth is notifying the public of repair work that will take place on Skyline Parkway, in the immediate vicinity of Chester Bowl Park.
The June 2012 flood damaged the roadway, embankment, concrete and stone retaining walls compromising its stability.
Work crews will be on site starting June 25, 2014 to make related roadway improvements to the eastern portions of Skyline Parkway in the immediate vicinity of Chester Bowl Park requiring the temporary closure of the Parkway beginning June 25th, 2014 with estimated completion in late fall of 2014.
To facilitate the work, on June 25th, 2014 Skyline Parkway and access to Chester Bowl Park from the east side will be closed.
This closure (from upper Chester Park Drive to Chester Bowl Park) will continue to approximately August 11th, 2014 at which time this easterly portion of Skyline Parkway will be reopened.
This closure is required to construct a concrete retaining wall to reinforce a failing roadway slope and other related roadway improvements.
Upon reopening the eastern portion of Skyline Parkway, access from the west into Chester Bowl Park will then be closed until approximately November 10th, 2014.
The west side closure is required to allow for repairs to the bridge over Chester Creek, reconstruct the large stone retaining wall which supports the roadway at the end of the bridge, and will include other related roadway improvements.
Access to Chester Bowl Park from one direction along Skyline Parkway will be maintained at all times during the work.
The City is aware of the many events that take place in Chester Bowl and affected entities have been notified.
No residential driveways that lie within the impacted segments of Skyline Parkway will be closed.