Cancer Survivor Spreads Message of Hope While in Duluth
DULUTH - A German man diagnosed with cancer is spreading a message of hope in Duluth and across the world on his bike. Nearly 30 years ago, Randolp Westphal was diagnosed with melanoma and given up to a year to live.
To heal his mind and enjoy his last days, Westphal hopped on his bike and toured the world.
Since then he has had 28 cancer operations, biked 132,000 miles and is now on his 6th world bike tour.
His message is never give up.
"Don't sit in the corner and wait for your death open your eyes and lift up your head. The world is beautiful,” said Westphal. “You must do what you like to do. It's really important. You must take the best drug there is, life.” “You must believe in God and you have sunshine in the night."
From Duluth Westphal will head to Bismark.
He lives off of donations and if you would like to help his cause go to