Maintaining Weight Loss Goals
If this year's desire to lose weight has lost some steam, no sweat, simply start again and reassess your expectations.
"Your goal should be to lose one to two pounds in the first week and the same thereafter," said Marisa Moore, a registered dietitian.
If you find your weekly weight loss has slowed down or plateaued you many need to make some changes.
"When you lose weight your calorie needs actually decrease so it might be time to cut out one snack or to change up some of your meals if you've been doing the same thing over and over again," said Moore.
You may also have to up the exercise.
"Maybe start lifting a few more weights, maybe extend the time that you're working out," said Moore.
If you don't exercise, you may need to start- and enlisting a buddy can help.
"Find someone who can maybe workout with you or hold you accountable," said Moore.
Don't forget to reward yourself.
"If you've been craving dance lessons or photography lessons or a new pair of shoes, this is the time to celebrate and buy those things," said Moore.
Stick to the basics: keep a food journal, don't skip meals, eat foods from all of the food groups to reduce temptation, and make healthy choices when you eat out.
If you falter, "Every day is a new beginning and you have the opportunity to live a healthy life starting with your very next meal," said Moore.