Answers for Hot Spots on Your Dog
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Kathryn White
Kathryn White
FOX 21 News, KQDS-DT
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DULUTH - Moist Pioderma, also known as a wet skin infection, could
occur on your dog this summer."Hotspots occur when there is already irritation to
the skin either allergies or been outside playing and have abrasion on surface
of the skin," Dr. Amanda Bruce of PetCare of Duluth explained.
A hot spot will be a red spot on your dog's skin that looks
wet and painful."Dogs that have allergies already have some low grade
inflammation to their skin already so they're predisposed to the bacteria. Dogs that have allergies are always going to
have a predisposition to having hot spots," Dr. Bruce said.
Most of the time these spots happen in log haired, thick
coated dogs and treatment for them is pretty straightforward.
"Typically we will clip the area we want air to be
able to get in there," Dr. Bruce said.
Then the vet will scrub it with something antibacterial to
sooth the skin surface and add some topical ointment that has sterioids to
decrease inflamation and redness.
"And then we'll put them on an oral antibiotic to pull
that staph infection back into check," she continued.
Typically you will see improvements in 24 hours, but will
want to keep your dog on antibiotics for a couple weeks to get the infection
under control.
"One thing you could do if your dog was prone to hot
spots and you really wanted to swim with your dog, I would recommend clipping
it short so then the skin could then dry out easier," Dr. Bruce explained.
And some areas build up moisture more than others.
"If your dog is prone to getting hot spots around the
collar, it probably is a good idea once their inside for the
evening to take their collar off because
that's going to contribute to moisture building up under there, and skin not
being able to breathe underneath," Dr. Bruce said.
By far the most of hot spots occur in hot humid summer
weather where there is moisture against skin that wouldn't typically be there.