Senate Passes $1 Billion Bonding Bill
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) _ The Minnesota Senate has passed an $846 million borrowing package for construction projects and sent it to Gov. Mark Dayton for his signature, finishing a crucial piece of business as lawmakers work toward adjournment.
The bonding bill vote was 47-17, easily exceeding the required three-fifths majority.
A separate $200 million cash package for public infrastructure projects passed 44-19.
The House passed both measures earlier Friday morning.
From hiking trails to prison repairs to laboratories on college campuses, the plan is chock full of building projects in every corner of the state.
The largest single item is $126 million to complete the Capitol renovation.
The smallest is $78,000 for work on a historic bridge in Hanover.
It also includes $22 million for the Lewis and Clark water project in southwestern Minnesota.